Our Present Way of Life is Unsustainable.

How Then, Shall We Live?

Our present way of life is unsustainable. So what are we (as in you and me – not the “leaders”) going to do about that? Just go along with the status quo as we have been for the past century, being part of the problem? Well, there are some people are working on this problem and planning a future that they say will be better for both us and nature. “The Great Reset” anyone? But why should “they” get to plan how everyone will live? Shouldn’t we get to participate in that conversation?

The fact is that our current unsustainable way of life did not come about as an accident, but has been put into place haphazardly by the decisions of others over the course of many, many years. Primarily this has been through decisions that benefit a few (them) at the expense of the many (us). It is their planning (for their purposes) that has gotten us into this mess.

The same people (well, class of people – the “they”) that have brought us to this situation say they want to reform things. They say “Build Back Better,” and you’ll hear that phrase from the lips of every establishment politician. Oh wait. They didn’t tell us that they were going to dismantle to present way of life before they build back better. Oops. Minor detail. Well, in case you missed it you can see it going on now as they deliberately disrupt the supply chain (truckers) and fuel supply (Canada/Russia). We are supposed to accept that their version of better is actually going to be better. I smell a rat. If they don’t bother to tell us that they are going to disrupt everything to build back better, can we trust that their idea of better will be better for all of us? If that were the case why not just tell us what they have in mind and if it is indeed better for all of us we will heartily and voluntarily join in the effort. The fact that it is so underhanded belies their intentions.

However, I do agree that the present system is poorly designed in that it serves the few at the expense of the many, that it exploits everyone wherever possible - especially the earth and the animals - and that it completely neglects the spiritual needs of mankind. There is a much better way to live. A more natural way that serves all of the needs of all human beings. A way that stems from ancient cultures and traditions.

On this blog I’ll write a bit about our current predicament and the failures of modern society as a segue to a better way to live, but mostly I plan to focus on what is required to live a truly sustainable, and especially a spiritual, way of life, and how we can build that future – a future that benefits everyone. I’ll be exploring the various factors that have contributed to our presently unsustainable way of life, why it is the way it is, how it can be changed to a truly sustainable way of life that will indeed make everyone happy, and what it will take to get us there. This is a lot to discuss and I am not going to attempt to cover every aspect. Rather, I will analyze the situation from both a material and spiritual perspective, to look at how we got here, and, what the choices we have for a sustainable future.

Rest assured, there is a better way to live.

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We need a Great(er) Reset to (re)arrange society in service to *all people* and *all of their needs.* We discuss what it should look like, how it should be arranged and function.


Social Healer, Spiritual Teacher & Coach, Author, International Speaker